Hello everyone,
Sorry for the lack on updates on here. It’s been a pretty crazy year and most of the updates are done via the facebook page (facebook.com/mindsovermatterayrshire) for quickness and ease.
We have been able to reopen our sessions HOWEVER these are no longer drop in sessions and also no longer run on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
We now have a booking system and can only have a maximum of 10 people at the sessions – we are therefore fully booked for the coming weeks with all of our regulars! These sessions now run on Monday evenings now too, and will be for the forseeable.
We wear masks, keep 2m distance, wash hands and surfaces continually but most importantly support each other through what has been one of the toughest years for everyone.
We hope to be able to allow more people to attend in the new year however this is down to the government and environmental health to decide – so for now we are unlikely going to be able to book anyone else into the sessions.
Please do keep yourself updated via our facebook page incase some sessions become avaliable.
In the meantime, you can contact Samaritans on 116 123 & NHS on 111
One other organisation we will closely with is Release (facebook.com/releaseayrshire) who are an online chatting service to offer support via messaging. If you feel this may beenfit you then give them a message.
Stay safe everyone